E-Doc: Digitale voucher voor de bestelling van vervangende batterijen tbv UPS

Digital battery voucher: Ellipse ECO 500\Protection Station 500\Ellipse ASR 450

Battery services
Batteries are at the heart of your UPS system. That is why we at Eaton want to make sure that they are in top operating condition at all times.


Product id 537724
Brand Eaton (v/h MGE)
Partnr B68750WEB
EAN/UPC code 3553340687006
License quantity 1 licentie(s)
Type On-site/Carry-in
Technician visit with spares kit Y
Repairs performed onsite Y
Product replacement if repair not possible Y
Parts replacement Y
Compatibility Eaton 3S 450/550, Eaton Ellipse ECO 500, Eaton Protection Station 500