Smart signalling Interface Cable RS-232 voor Windows NT/2000/98 Novell


American Power Conversion
Not in stock
€ 43,43
€ 52,55 incl 21% VAT
As a global leader in power availability solutions, APC sets the standard in its industry for quality, innovation and support. Its comprehensive AC and DC power solutions, which are designed for both home and corporate environments, improve the manageability, availability and performance of sensitive electronic, network, communications and industrial equipment of all sizes. APC also provides a wide range of connectivity products for different environments. APC offers the UPS link cable.


Product id 6554
Brand American Power Conversion
Partnr 940-0024
EAN/UPC code 731304316350
Warranty (months) 2 years
Technical details
Product colour Black
Cable length 3 m
Other features
Connector(s) 1 x 9 pin D-Sub (DB-9) - male/1 x 9 pin D-Sub (DB-9) - female ((Other Side)).